Molly Dickson is a fashion photographer, director, and motion artist based in Dallas, Texas. Her work both embraces and resists emerging technology — opting to explore as well as combine new mediums while clinging to a rudimentary approach. Molly’s work is inspired by Americana, maximalism, and short attention spans.
As a board member with The Dallas Society of Visual Communications,  I have the opportunity to collaborate with amazing artists and designers for speaker events with the organization. For the first DSVC event of 2025, I worked with Molly Dickson, a Dallas-based fashion photographer, director, and motion artist. This event was an AR gallery experience + fireside chat + motion extravaganza. Molly's AR pieces can be scanned with a phone, and then animate once the device is pointed at the static art. We worked together to create a fun, custom zine for the event where attendees could take the gallery experience home.
Creative Direction & Art Direction
Custom Promotional Design
Print Consultation
Post Production
Graphic & Layout Design
Photography  &  Collage Illustration
Molly Dickson of SisterBrother MGMT

Creative Direction  &  Editorial Design
Mark Baker-Sanchez

Graphic Design Assistant
Andrea Chavez

Blake Wright

Event Sponsors
Aloft Hotels

Exhibition Photography
Incendi Media

Exhibition Video
Derek Gold

Exhibition SPace
FLOCC Studio

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